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What is Lavana?

Mar 24, 2024

LAVANA (l uh - v AA - n uh) : n. salt

Lavana means salt in Sanskrit, the language of yoga, representing the essence of the earth.

Salt is a mineral.
Though small, it is an essential mineral our bodies need to function properly.
It symbolizes the essence of life itself, representing the interconnectedness of all things.
Salt has the ability to enhance flavor, creating a balance within culinary creations.
When put into water is dissolves gradually.
It preserves.
It’s healing.
And like salt, our movement is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Only a small amount of intentional daily movement is all that’s needed to enhance our overall well-being.
Like salt, living with purpose enriches the flavor of our lives, it dissolves the constant noise of the mind, it preserves + heals us.

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